Meet Terri Allred

I love water… being in it, hearing it, seeing it.

I have 4 children. Two are furry.

I dance in the kitchen, grocery store, and pretty much anywhere.

I love ice cream. Mint chocolate chip if I had to choose.

I am here to guide you on a journey to find…

My passion is transformation

— not just any transformation, but the kind that fundamentally expands your life.

Often you experience that deep, soul transformation when you are facing a life transition.

I'm dedicated to helping you make profound changes that empower you to become the best version of yourself.

I firmly believe in the potential for growth and renewal that resides within you, waiting to be awakened.


Imagine a life where balance and self-care are priorities, and you no longer sacrifice your own well-being for the sake of others.

Picture yourself confidently making decisions aligned with your values, free from the burden of self-judgment.

Envision building authentic and meaningful connections that bring you joy and sustain you in every aspect of your life.


Why Work With Me?

Personal experience-

I've personally navigated through transformative journeys, and these have given me a unique perspective and a deep sense of empathy. I understand that real, lasting change requires more than just surface adjustments; it demands a shift in mindset, a rewiring of habits, and a rediscovery of purpose.

Professional experience-

As a Coach, Hypnotherapist and Reiki practitioner I create spaces where individuals can explore their innermost aspirations and confront their fears. I'm acutely aware that the path to transformation is often fraught with discomfort, and I see this discomfort as a catalyst for growth. I provide support and guidance, enabling individuals to break through limitations, embrace uncertainty, and step into their full potential

About Me

  • I bring a wide range of experiences and certifications to my work. 

  • Trauma Informed including 30 years working in trauma as a crisis counselor, therapist and nonprofit director and The Resilient Heart (TM) Trauma-Sensitive Heart Math Certification.

  • Reiki Master Teacher

  • Certified Spiritual and Success Coach

  • Certified NLP practitioner including: Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Deep Streaming Facilitation, Time Integrations For Maximum Empowerment (T.I.M.E)

  • Enneagram Facilitator

  • When I am not working, you can find me looking for seashells with my family, creating pottery or snuggling with my dogs at home.

Read more about me in VoyageMinnesota and Bold Journey Magazine!

My Principles

We are Trauma Sensitive in our theoretical approach and interactions with people and organizations. This means that we recognize the prevalence of trauma among all people, recognize that trauma impacts personal expression and communal interactions, and minimize the risk of re-traumatizing people with whom we consult.

We believe in the Capacity for Healing and Resiliency inherent in each person.


We understand that Growth and Healing occur in Relationship, in the supportive presence of others.


We utilize an Asset Based Approach respecting and valuing each person’s strengths, competencies and gifts.


We strive to maintain Curiosity in Communication to learn, grow and form deeper relationships.


We Celebrate the Diversity of Human Experience recognizing that we all come from unique backgrounds, perspectives and life experiences.

I utilize my own Four Quadrant approach integrating conscious, unconscious, somatic and intuitive elements for transformation.