
Let’s Work Together To. . .

Find Balance

Ever wondered how you can more effectively manage your stress and tune into your body? It all starts with paying attention to your body's whispers and sometimes shouts. In coaching, we'll work together to decode these signals and craft personalized strategies that help you de-stress and regain balance.

Release Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever felt like something is holding you back, causing you to doubt yourself or question your abilities? In coaching, we focus on releasing these limiting beliefs. We'll work together to identify and overcome these barriers, helping you gain confidence and clarity to achieve your goals.

Cultivate the Power of Now

Do you find your mind constantly racing, stuck dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? In coaching, we'll explore techniques to help you stay present and fully embrace the current moment. You will learn to release unnecessary stress and anxiety, allowing you to tap into your inner strength.

“Time is your greatest asset, leverage it for your greatest fulfillment.”

— Damon Cart

Our Sessions Will Be


Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current life balance and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.


In Holistic Coaching, you will learn to understand your present experience with mindfulness and explore options for your best path forward toward a life aligned with your values and goals.


Utilizing a host of skills, experience and techniques, you will experience curious exploration, creative solutions to the problems you face and opportunities for immediate and long-lasting change.


Trauma (chronic, acute or complex) can impact an individual's ability to cope with difficult situations and interact with others. We use a trauma-informed lens to make sure you have the skills and resources you need to be successful.


We will utilize tools and tricks from our four quadrants of transformation including conscious, unconscious, somatic and intuitive.

  • Are you looking to discern the next steps for your personal or professional life? Do you find yourself repeating the same self-defeating patterns in your life? Do you lose faith in yourself and your ability to overcome obstacles?

    You will learn to understand your present experience with mindfulness and explore options for your best path forward toward a life in line with your values and goals. You will learn how to connect to your own inner wisdom.

  • Mindset coaching focuses on helping you shift your attitudes and beliefs to overcome limiting patterns, thereby unlocking your full potential in various aspects of life. It involves working to reframe your thoughts, fostering a growth mindset that embraces challenges, values effort, and learns from feedback. Through this transformative process, you will be empowered to achieve your personal and professional goals by cultivating resilience, positivity, and a proactive approach to life's obstacles

  • When you work with Terri for spiritual coaching, you will learn to connect with your own inner wisdom and intuition. Terri will use various intuitive and healing tools that will help you connect with Spirit to see your path toward inner happiness, peace and harmony. You will learn to relax into your self-trust and find compassion for yourself.

Coaching Packages

  • Moving Forward

    $550 ($50 savings)
    Three Session Package

    Assess your current situation.
    Create a plan to get you where you want to be.

  • Transition Triumph

    $1,000 ($200 savings)
    Six Session Package

    Create a vision of where you want to be and set goals to get you there. During our time together, you will also identify old patterns, blocks and barriers that are preventing you from achieving your vision. You will be invited to create change at the conscious, subconscious, somatic and intuitive levels.

  • Transform Your Life

    $2,000 ($400 savings)
    Twelve Session Package

    Participate in an individual journey through the Transform Your Life program (more information on program elements here) including a customized workbook for you to use during the journey.