If you're looking to make positive changes in your life, hypnosis could be the solution you've been searching for.


Hypnosis is a safe, natural, and effective way to
tap into the power of your subconscious mind and create lasting change.


Terri offers personalized hypnosis sessions that can help you:

overcome challenges
break unwanted habits
reduce stress and anxiety
achieve your goals

Whether you're looking to improve your health, boost your confidence, or enhance your performance, our hypnosis sessions can help you unlock your full potential and live the life you deserve.


Benefits of Hypnosis

Works well for the common health conditions such as: stress management, anxiety, addiction, insomnia, pain management, weight control, habit control

Works well for helping you become your best self: confidence, self-esteem, public speaking, creativity, communication, fears, change management, stress, and more…

*Some conditions require a referral and collaboration with a health care or mental health provider.


Reiki is a Japanese technique for
stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

Add Hypnosis to your Reiki session to open your energy and speak directly to your unconscious. Terri is a certified Hypnotherapist and can help you make the change in your life that you seek. Whether you want to become more confident, replace worry with calm, or achieve your goals, hypnosis can help.

Unlock the Power of Your

Unconscious Mind

While conscious efforts and strategies are essential, our deepest beliefs, patterns, and emotions reside within the subconscious. By delving into this powerful realm, you uncover hidden barriers and tap into the wellspring of your true potential. Hypnosis is only one way to unlock the power of the unconscious mind. Other modalities include: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, EFT, T.I.M.E. Terri often integrates multiple modalities in her sessions.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  • We experience the world through our senses (neuro).  Our nervous system takes in information through our visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and kinesthetic systems.  Language (linguistics) is how we store the experience and give it meaning.  We use language and words to understand and communicate what we experience through our senses and inside our mind through our internal dialogue. Finally, programming is how we use programs or stories, patterns, and strategies to achieve our goals.  In short, NLP is the study of subjective experience and how that effects our behavior. 


  • Emotional freedom technique (EFT) or tapping is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. Tapping the body can create a balance in your energy system, relieve stress and anxiety, and treat pain.


  • T.I.M.E. (Time Integration for Maximum Empowerment) Technique will allow you to dig deep and uncover the root cause of some of your fears and beliefs that have been ingrained in you in your childhood or event before you were even born, through generations or past lives. It is used to instantly eliminate all negative emotions, release limiting beliefs, undo past decisions, banish the effects of fears and phobias and completely eliminate the emotions of guilt and anxiety. 

Hypnosis in MN

In Minnesota, hypnotherapy is for vocational and avocational (self-improvement) counseling and as a complementary treatment to healing arts services licensed by the State. 

Included in that section, the law entitles a hypnotherapist to work outside the areas of vocational, avocational self-improvement, provided that they receive a referral from persons licensed to practice psychology, dentistry, or medicine.

Minnesota does not have an explicit statute or regulation requiring licensure for hypnotists or hypnotherapy.  

A hypnotherapist is not a licensed physician or psychologist and hypnotherapy services are not licensed by the State of Minnesota. Services are non-diagnostic and do not include the practice of medicine, nor should they be considered as a substitute for licensed medical or psychological procedures or services.

Terri Allred is a Certified Hypnotherapist from the Alchemy Institute.